Starting in Kink

Starting in Kink

New to kink? Just starting your journey into the lifestyle? This group is for questions and...

RopeBoundFanatic and 13 others have joined the group Starting in Kink 2 months ago

This is something I needed to read, as I'm very dominant and rough in the bedroom.. but never seem to know to tell a potential partner, without them thinking I'm gonna go full psycho on them and pummel them to death... which is far from the truth. Thank you.x

Metika4 and 3 others have liked Discussion 3 months ago
Metika4 and Jegernysgerrig liked Group 3 months ago
TheWholeProblEm posted a new discussion4 months ago

Negotiating Play

Negotiating is a huge element of all BDSM/kink play whether in person or via long distance. Here are some of our favorite templates or resources for negotiations:

Starting in Kink